There is nothing more American than robbing the working class. Since the very founding of America, our wealthiest have been manipulating the system to enrich themselves, and their favorite method is to gamble. They make huge financial bets that often fail, and then they find a way to make working people pay for their failures. So we use your tax dollars to bail out industries that are failing , like the auto industry, for example, or banks and hedge funds. But at the same time, the rich also privatize their gains, so when the gambles work, they keep the profit, but when housing market crashes and working people lose their homes, no one swoops in to help out.
That’s just how it works. If they lose money, we pay them back. If we lose money … it’s just lost.
So when Trump and Musk start lying to us about how “pain will be necessary” for their economic agenda to work, understand what they’re saying. They’re saying you and your family will feel the pain, but as always, the wealth class will feel no pain at all. That’s just America. Always has been.
Bucknell University Economics Professor Matias Vernengo explains:
RICK: Long story short, what you're telling me is no 99 cent eggs, no dollar a gallon gas.
MATIAS: No, I don't think that that's coming, no. I actually think that, I mean, the worst part is not the inflation, it's the wages going down. I expect wages going down, less ability to pay by, by the working class. Harder conditions in the financial market, so harder to buy houses, harder to buy cars because interest rates will remain high.
That will impact rents for people that have to rent houses in situations that are already sort of terrible. And when we have a record number of homeless people in the streets and so on and so forth. So all of this is moving us in the wrong direction to solve the kinds of things that supposedly, you know. he was elected to resolve, or he suggested to some extent, you know. Our businessman. But again, it's the class thing that I think is important.
This is a government of the oligarchs, for the oligarchs, and by the oligarchs.
So it's what we're gonna get.
Buckle up, America. The pain is coming.
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